Aquatic Weed Control, Inc.

All waterways—ponds, lakes and canalsare susceptible to bad nutrients that accelerate the growth of algae, weeds and other undesirable vegetation. These unwanted nutrients enter the water from street drainage, lawn debris and runoff from fertilized yards.  Additionally, weeds can get into your waterway from seeds carried by the wind, birds, wildlife, boat trailers, etc. We offer a variety of ways to work within our client’s timeframe and budget to keep algae, weeds and other undesirable vegetation under control.

EPA Approved Herbicides

We use only EPA approved herbicides. Most are designed to target certain plants and kill on contact, while others are absorbed through their foliage and take about 7–10 days. Our technicians are thoroughly trained and licensed by the State in order to do their job properly every day for our clients.


Whatever the job requires, Aquatic Weed Control has what it takes.

Our fleet of pickup trucks are equipped with trailers that can haul an ATV, skiff or airboat.  You will see them often as they travel from account to account.

ATVs, or all-terrain vehicles are the ideal equipment for spraying along the shorelines of most waterways. Our fleet is especially equipped so our technician can travel easily around a waterway.

Skiffs are small boats that are equipped with trolling motors and specialized equipment. They are ideal for larger ponds where the weeds are too far away from the shoreline to be reached by a backpack or an ATV.


An airboat can navigate easily through shallow swamps and marshes. They can travel over and through patches of invasive plants where a regular boat propeller would get entangled.


Backpacks are used to individually target specific non-native plants. Our technician can walk into small, tight areas where larger equipment cannot get access.

Dump trucks are built to haul heavy loads and dump them easily. When debris is removed from a site, a dump truck is ideal for hauling and disposing of debris.

Swamp buggies are made to move around in swamps. With 4-wheel drive and over-sized tires, they can easily travel over dry land, sandy soil, mud and marshes.


Algae Control

Though some algae and aquatic weeds are a necessary part of a healthy ecosystem, too much is not a good thing. Algae can be especially troublesome as it is present year-round in Florida and thrives during the warmer months when it can double in size every 4 hours. Our professional aquatic weed control programs can make all of these aquatic nuisances manageable.


Algae molecules are in every waterway just waiting to be fed. Run-off and grass clippings from fertilized yards put additional nutrients into the water that can accelerate the growth of unwanted vegetation.


As part of a water management plan, we suggest:


  • Grass clippings are NOT blown into the water
  • Use a phosphorus free fertilizer and do NOT fertilize within 10 feet of the shoreline


Biological controls can be introduced into an infested body of water that work day after day to assist an herbicide maintenance program in controlling algae and unwanted vegetation.


  • New ponds should be dug deep enough to prevent light from reaching the bottom and located where they will not be fed nutrients that can wash down from larger nearby ponds.
  • Have a good water run-off management plan in place.  With all the rain we get in Florida this is vital. Nutrients from other sources run into a waterway and encourage new growth and stimulate any seeds in the water. Nutrients come from street drainage, yard debris and fertilized grass clippings.
  • Plant native plants along the shoreline. Native plants compete with algae and other unwanted vegetation for nutrients and sunlight. These weed control agents also help oxygenate the water which promotes the breakdown of bacteria and provides food and protection for fish and water fowl.


When native plants are planted along the shoreline they act as a filtering agent. When it rains, the run-off from fertilized yards and streets hit the native plants first which soak up the nutrients before they can get into the waterway. The nutrients are often good for the plants but they are bad for a waterway.

SLIDE THE ARROWS to view the before & after.

Carp Stocking

Carp Barriers

Introduce Triploid Grass Carp to your waterway. Grass Carp complement any recurring maintenance program because they continually feed on aquatic plants. They cannot control the weeds on their own, they also need the herbicide treatments to get the job done.


Triploid Grass Carp were introduced into Florida’s waterways in 1972. These silvery green fish can live 10-12 years and on average grow to 15-20 pounds and up to 35 inches long. The bigger they get the more they can eat. We only use State authorized Triploid Grass Carp because they are infertile.


Some of their favorite foods are hydrilla, muskgrass, pondweed, naiad, elodea, duckweed and slender spikerush.


It is a perfect match because the fish are inexpensive and they have a huge appetite for problem plants.


Regular Maintenance:  To keep algae and undesirable vegetation under control and in proper balance with nature, we recommend a maintenance program. We work with the client to develop a plan that works in concert with the waterway that needs to be managed and the client’s budget.


All of these methods are successful. When combined with a maintenance program, the effects are everlasting. It’s a little like mowing your yard. What would happen if you only mowed the yard 3 to 5 times a year? With proper maintenance your waterway will stay in proper shape.


The first step is to contact Aquatic Weed Control. We have professionals who can come out and look at the waterway(s) to determine what has happened and what can be done.

We custom build our own carp barriers to fit any escape route that the fish may find. The barriers are built to the State’s requirements and properly installed. The State will then inspect the waterway and barrier and issue a fish stocking permit.


The fish are ordered from a State approved fish farm. We will stock the waterway and let them do what they do best…eat.


Blue Tilapia Stocking

They thrive in our warm, tropical climate and love to eat algae. We can add them to your retention pond(s) where they work in partnership with your spray technician to control plants like duckweed, watermeal, water hyacinth, water lettuce and most of all…ALGAE.


Blue Tilapia feed off the bottom and that is where algae gets it start. Initially algae forms on the bottom of ponds and are brought to the surface by the oxygen they produce. Oxygen also makes more nutrients available from oxidation of organic materials that have fallen to the bottom of the pond. Blue Tilapia will eat these components while they are on the bottom, thus reducing algae blooms during the warmer months. They will also eat algae floating on top of the water.


They usually grow to 2–4 pounds. But they can grow up to 6–9 pounds by the time they are 5 years old. They can produce 100 to 2,000 eggs at a time, but not all will survive with larger fish like bass or catfish and water fowl around.


These fish do not require a permit or a barrier, as they are only put into isolated retention ponds. If you would like to add a little blue to your algae prone waterway, click on the contact us circle.

Erosion Control

Native Plantings

Erosion can be a real problem during heavy rains when the water pours into waterways and causes the bank to erode. This action depletes the surface soil and causes the edges to crack and fall into the water.


Our team of experts can help the situation from getting worse and take action to repair the damage.


Erosion Blanket: These blankets consist of degradable natural threads like hemp or coconut fibers that are pinned in place along shorelines. They provide protection and promote vegetation taking root


New vegetation is planted throughout the blanketed area. The blanket holds the shoreline in place and slowly degrades as the new plants take root and control the area on their own.



Planting of native plants and trees is an area where we excel.  We always work closely with our clients on any size planting project.  We have an outstanding reputation for completing projects that exceed expectations.


Introducing native plants and trees into an area is an excellent way to mitigate, or offset, undesirable ecological factors. State and County governments also may require mitigation for environmental reasons including:

Wetlands impacted by development When natural plants are removed it becomes a question of which plants will survive well in their new neighborhood without needing a lot of fertilizers and water. During construction, the land is moved around and/or more earth is brought in and the drainage usually changes. You need a company that can take all of this into consideration and help the developer make an informed decision. Plants that are native to Florida have adapted over the years to Florida’s changing climate and require less water and fertilizers. Also, native trees are more likely to withstand hurricanes and tropical storms.

Preserving the ecosystem: When native plants are removed, that also removes the food, habitat and shelter for butterflies, birds and animals. Native plants preserve the natural ecosystem.


Filtering and gathering nutrients: When native plants are planted along the shoreline of ponds and lakes, they act as a filtering agent. When it rains, the run-off carries nutrients from streets and fertilized lawns into waterways. The nutrients are often good for the plants but they are bad for a waterway. Nutrients also feed any unwanted seeds or algae close by and encourage growth.



Shoreline stabilization: Native plants that are strategically planted along a  shoreline where rainwater runs off into ponds can help stabilize the shoreline and prevent erosion. The plant’s roots grow and weave together acting as a web to strengthen the soil. We can help you with a selection of plants best suited for this purpose.


Improving aesthetics: Native plants are an excellent choice when you want to improve the landscape around and near your waterway.  As an example, Bald Cypress trees are an elegant addition to an area and since they are native, they thrive in Florida’s changing climates.

In addition to plant selection, a successful planting project includes:

  • Working closely with the client on a project and utilizing our experienced personnel
  • Performing an on-site inspection before making any recommendations
  • Identifying key access points, size of the area and soil conditions
  • Using our knowledge of proper plant selection, size and quantities
  • Thorough follow up and maintenance


AWC’s highly experienced and trained personnel will work closely with each client to make sure they have quality plants, properly installed to ensure success.



Removals can be done using herbicides, mechanical and hand-held equipment or a combination of all three.


Herbicides: We use only EPA approved herbicides. Most are designed to target certain plants and kill on contact, while others are absorbed through their foliage and take about 7 – 10 days. Our technicians are thoroughly trained and licensed by the State in order to do their job properly every day for our clients.


Mechanical removal: This is an effective and efficient way to control or eliminate unwanted plants and trees. Some non-native plants grow so large that machines need to be brought onto a site to assist with the removal.


We look at all removal projects and determine which removal process will work the best. Our experienced operators can operate any kind of equipment needed to complete a project.

As we all know, getting rid of weeds or unwanted trees or shrubs is no picnic unless you have the right equipment.


Our trained staff can quickly and positively identify nuisance plants and remove them with minimal impact on neighboring native vegetation. Whether we are dealing with just a few trees or a large-scale acreage, specialized equipment enables us to get rid of these unwanted trees and remove the debris from the worksite, quickly and efficiently.


Whether it’s an over-grown lakefront or an entire canal system that is clogged with growth, we have the training and expertise to make it all go away.



Florida’s natural lands and water resources require special attention to keep them in their naturally functioning ecosystem condition. Some of these functions are to store floodwaters, improve water quality, maintain water flow and provide food, nesting and protection for fish and wildlife.


Aquatic Weed Control, Inc. has been developing and providing wetland programs for years. All of this experience is what brings HOAs, Builders, Commercial Developers and Consulting Firms back to us over and over again, year after year.


We work with the client to plan a strategy to get a wetland area cleaned up and working properly. Our experience and trained staff know which plants are aggressive and undesirable and which ones provide a benefit to any wetland.

We are always ready to work closely with the State, local agencies and the client to restore an area to as close to its natural conditions as possible by means of:

  • Creation – We can construct a wetland in an isolated area
  • Enhancement – Increase the function of an existing wetland
  • Mitigation – To compensate for losses to a wetland area, another wetland can be enhanced, restored or created
  • Installation – In Littoral areas, our trained staff will install native aquatic plants to help remove pollutants from a waterway. The plants act as a filtering agent.


You can count on the cooperation of AWC to be part of your team working hand in hand with government, environmental consulting firms and you, our client. AWC will ensure your project is a success and that a maintenance program is put in place that clearly makes a difference.